Not every auto injury clinic provides the same services or level of care. While some accident care clinics specialize in specific area such as chiropractic care, others are full service or comprehensive in the way they provide care. In this article, we’ll look at 5 things to look for when choosing an auto injury clinic.

Why Find The Right Auto Injury Clinic

Simply put, the best auto injury clinic will provide you with comprehensive care to make sure that all aspects of your well being are taken care of. An auto accident is a very traumatic situation that leaves your body devastated in ways that may not be clear at the time of impact. Many people have reported pain days or even weeks after an accident, which can get unbearable.

The right auto injury clinic will also take out the stress of dealing with insurance and/or the financial aspect of it all. At the very minimum they’ll guide you on dealing with insurance and filling out the right paperwork. As you can imagine, that can be a lot to deal with on your own.

Now lets look at these 5 things to look for when choosing the right auto injury clinic for you.

How soon can they see you?

First, the auto accident clinic should have same-day appointments or very close to that. You don’t want to wait days to come in to see a doctor because that would delay other things such as filing paperwork with the insurance company. The quicker your appointment, the faster your tests and treatments start. Clinics with same-day appointments also convey to the public that they’re well equipped with professionals to take care of you today.

No Upfront Out-Of-Pocket Cost

The best auto injury clinics allow you to start checkup and treatment as they take care of insurance paperwork so you don’t have to pay anything upfront. This is a huge relief especially in case where you may have to wait for an insurance settlement to cover your medical expenses. Unfortunately, insurance claims do take time to process and if you had to wait for it to get treatment you could run into other medical complications.

Full service Over Single Service

The best auto accident care clinics provide a number of services under one roof. This would include x-rays and other tests as well as physical checkup, pain management and rehabilitation. When you get all your injury treatment from the same place, you get better treatment because everything is coordinated and follow-up is simple. This is in contrast to clinics that only provide specific services and you have to look elsewhere for the rest of your care.

Location. Location. Location

Like many things in life, location plays a big role in shaping what we have access to and what is within reach and this is especially true after an accident. After an accident either your car, which is your means of moving around, may not be road worthy or you may not be able to drive due to injuries. Either way you need to look for a clinic that is close to you. Searching for auto injury clinic near me, for example can help you find clinics near you. Some injury clinics, like the Brooks Clinic, can arrange transportation for you to come to the clinic and that is an added benefit you should take advantage of.

Genuine Reviews

Lastly, take a look at reviews of the auto injury clinic to get a sense of what past patients have said about the quality of care they received. Are there complaints that keep recurring, such as lack of professionalism? Are there positive comments about the care being provided? Not all reviews, however, are created equal. Reviews on platforms such as Google or Facebook should be considered of higher quality than reviews posted on the clinic website because reviews on these platforms can only be added by individuals with accounts on the respective platforms.

Consider The Brooks Clinic

We hope this guide will help you determine the right auto accident clinic. We hope you’ll consider The Brooks Clinic for your accident injuries. We are a one-stop shop for injury treatment and with 4 locations around the Oklahoma City metro, we’re much closer to you. Call today to schedule an appointment or just come on in!


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