Auto accidents affect our bodies in many interesting ways. Sometimes, we don’t even know about all the ways our bodies have been affected until days, weeks and even months have passed. In some cases symptoms don’t show up until we’re at an annual exam or are being treated for something else. That’s why it is very important to visit an auto injury clinic near you when you get into an accident, however small the accident was. In this article we’ll look at 7 symptoms to watch out for after an accident so you can seek medical care from a reputable auto accident clinic near you.

When should I seek medical help after an accident?

Before we list the 10 symptoms that show up after an auto accident, I’d like to address this question because we get it quite often. You should seek medical care right after an accident, as soon as possible, even if you feel fine or the accident was not that bad. The other time you should seek medical help is when you start experiencing the symptoms below, which can be days, weeks, or even months after an accident. Our bodies absorb the stress of impact differently, which is why some people have more pronounced effect after an accident while others seem fine. Either way, seeking medical help is vital.

1. Numbness

Loss of feeling in your hands and arms is common with rear-end auto accidents. It is caused by damage to either the neck or the spine and can manifest itself a few days or weeks after the accident. It’s important to get medical attention promptly.

2. Swollen stomach or other abdominal pain

Pain around the stomach or gut could indicate internal bleeding, which is a serious condition that needs to me addressed promptly.

3. Headaches

While headaches days after an accident are common, they can reveal a much more serious issue such as a concussion, a head injury or a brain clot. If you find yourself taking pail pills every day for headaches, realize that you need help and go to a reputable auto injury clinic to get checked.

4. Neck pain or stiffness

Neck pain or stiffness is one of the most common symptoms that shows up after an accident. Sometimes this pain doesn’t show up for days after one has had an auto accident. Issues with your neck can lead to or cause other symptoms such as numbness of the hands and arms.

5. Mood swings

So far we have looked at physical symptoms that show up after an accident. As humans, we’re not just flesh and blood. There’s the psychological side to us that gets affected after a traumatic experience. Being in an auto accident is certainly one of those stress inducing events that can impact our health if not taken care of. Mood swings can manifest as loss of interest, anxiety when getting into a car, PTSD and even low body temperature.

6. Back pain

Back pain can manifest itself in many forms such as muscle soreness or stiffness and at many points on the back. For instance, you could experience shooting pain from the top to lower back or feel stiff when bending or getting up. Back pain should not be ignored as it can signal serious underlying issues from your auto accident.

7. Bruises

Generally speaking, bruises tend to heal quite well after an accident. However, certain bruises are quite deep, affecting internal blood vessels. One way you can tell you’re dealing with deep tissue bruises is very slow healing, extended swelling or even color changes around the bruise. Even if you were seen by a doctor right after an accident, you should consider getting checked when the bruise doesn’t heal or swells more than usual.

Don’t wait!

To prevent further complications arising from auto injuries, it’s important to consult with a reputable auto accident clinic near you. If you see any of the symptoms listed above, go ahead and schedule an appointment here at the Brooks Clinic. We have 4 locations around Oklahoma City metro and Midwest City so we should have one close to you.

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