While you may have a specific auto injury doctor in mind for auto accident, it’s essential to keep in mind that the type of doctor you choose will impact your treatment and recovery. If you’re in an accident and need to see a doctor, several types of doctors may be able to help you, depending on the type of accident and the injuries you sustained. Auto accidents impact our bodies in more than one way and so it’s important to make sure that the type of doctor you choose will be able to address those needs.

Top five types of doctors to see after an auto accident

If you’ve been in an accident, you should first stop, stay calm, and assess the situation. Whether you feel any pain or not, you need to get yourself checked at a hospital or an auto accident clinic near you. The reason for this is so that they will run some diagnostic that will help with insurance claims and also they may catch something that could be life-threatening.

Emergency room doctors

Emergency room doctors are the first medical professionals you’ll if you go to an ER or major hospital. They are trained to handle most medical emergencies and can provide basic treatment for injuries such as broken bones, cuts and bruises, burns, and other traumatic injuries. These doctors work in hospitals around the clock, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and can offer x-rays, stitches, and other medical care as needed.

Urgent care doctors

Urgent care doctors are the equivalence of emergency doctors at the auto accident clinic. They tend to specialize in urgent care services and minor illnesses but may also be able to handle more severe cases in certain situations.

Primary Care Doctors

When it comes to primary care doctors, you have many options. A primary care doctor (PCP) is a physician who provides ongoing health care for patients throughout their life. They can treat minor illnesses and injuries and chronic conditions, such as diabetes or high blood pressure. In other words, they are your go-to doctor for any health concern that doesn’t require immediate attention from another specialist like orthopedic surgeons.

AICA Auto Accident Doctors

AICAs are medical doctors who have special training in treating people who have been injured in motor vehicle collisions. They are often called “auto accident specialists” or “auto injury specialists.” These doctors may work at hospitals or clinics or be private practitioners. AICAs can diagnose a wide range of injuries and write prescriptions for medications.

Orthopedic Doctors

Orthopedic doctors specialize in diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal injuries — injuries to bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. They treat acute injuries, those that just happened, and chronic problems that have been around for a while. Orthopedic doctors typically treat sports-related injuries but work with patients with arthritis, spinal problems, or other musculoskeletal conditions that cause pain or mobility issues.

Tips for Choosing Medical Help After a Car Accident

We’ve written an article on how to choose the right auto injury doctor or clinic but here’s the summary:

Don’t Wait to Seek Medical Care

If you have been injured in a car accident, it is essential to seek medical care as soon as possible. Injured people are often reluctant to seek treatment from a doctor or hospital because they do not want to pay for their treatment or do not want their health insurance policy to be affected. However, this type of thinking can be dangerous and may even delay the recovery process.

Look Up Online Reviews Before Making a Selection

Before making an appointment with a doctor or an auto injury clinic, check out their online reviews. You’ll get a better sense of the experience and whether it’s worth your time and money.

Be Honest With Your Doctor

If you’re not feeling well, don’t be afraid to tell your doctor about it. They can’t help you if they don’t know what’s wrong. If you’re scared or nervous, try to remember that doctors are trained professionals who have seen this many times before.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions

Take your time and get all of the information you need. It is your body and your health, so you should have all the facts before making any decisions. If you are unsure about anything, ask questions until you are satisfied with the answers.


As we’ve seen, there are many types of doctors that you can see after an auto accident. One simple way to get the best care is to go to a clinic that has all these doctors in one place. That’s what The Brooks Clinic is about. We’re a one-stop shop for all your auto injury needs. Our 4 locations around Oklahoma metro are equipped to deal with the various injury needs. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment or fill out our online appointment request.

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