Knee injuries are some of the most common injuries that people experience during an auto accident. The type of knee injury ranges from minor bruises and cuts all the way to more serious knee dislocation and ligament damage. Understanding the type of knee injury you have is an important step in your path towards optimum auto accident treatment and recovery. In this article we’ll look at the top knee injuries and what you can do about it.

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)

Popularized by the major sports’ athletes season-ending injuries, the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of the main ligaments that holds the knee joint together and makes daily movement possible. When an ACL injury occurs, you may feel a popping sound, followed by swelling and it becomes too painful to put any weight on that side of the leg. During an auto accident it is common for your legs to get banged up against the dashboard causing direct impact on your knees.

In less severe cases, you may only require rehabilitation therapy but a torn ACL would require surgery to reattach and may take a few months to heal. After surgery, physical therapy will be needed to help you regain balance and normal function of the knee.

Given the importance of this injury, you need to work with a qualified auto injury doctor who will guide you through treatment. With this type of knee injury, time is of essence so find an auto accident clinic near you to start treatment right away.

Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL

Located just behind the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL), the PCL is one of the ligaments that connects the thighbone (femur) to the shinbone (tibia). A PCL injury requires considerable force, such as when your knees hit the dashboard or when you are ejected and fall on your knees hitting the road surface.

Symptoms of PCL include swelling and stiffness of the knee, constant pain just right after the accident, and difficulty walking or putting any weight on the affected knee.

Treatment of a PCL injury depends of the severity of the impact. It is advisable to get a proper diagnosis from a qualified auto accident doctor before embarking on any type of treatment to ensure proper recovery.

Kneecap Dislocation

Kneecap dislocation occurs when knees hit the dashboard or other parts of the car knocking the kneecaps out of socket. A doctor would take x-ray of your knee to make sure it’s a dislocation and not a fracture. If the impact isn’t very severe, usually the kneecap can be popped back into place fairly easily. If the impact was very severe, however, it may require surgery to get the kneecap back in its place.

Find The Right Auto Accident Care

Knee injuries are particularly complex and require the attention of experienced physicians to work on them. Don’t trust your knee injuries to just anyone. Here at The Brooks Clinic we have board-certified doctors in accident care with years of experience working on auto accident injuries including knee injuries. Our clinics are well equipped and one-stop treatment centers. Give us a call today or schedule an appointment online with a doctor. You owe it to yourself to find the best auto accident doctor.

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