It is estimated that more than three million people are injured each year in car accidents, according to research conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Car accidents can cause many different types of injuries to any part of the body, often depending on the crash and severity of impact. Car accidents are always frightening no matter how big or small, but if you happen to be pregnant, the fact that you were just involved in a car crash can be exponentially more frightening when you are responsible for carrying another human being inside you.

Car crashes, no matter the severity, do present a number of risks, especially for women who are pregnant. Those who have a high-risk pregnancy to begin with can have complications before, during, and after giving birth.

A high-risk pregnancy means that you or your unborn baby has suffered an injury, which increases the chances of health complications. Car accidents contribute significantly to a woman’s chances of having a high-risk pregnancy. If you have been in car accident, either severe or even a minor fender bender, it is imperative that your doctor closely monitor you during your pregnancy to find or detect any problems that may arise, or if your pregnancy is considered high-risk.

When in a car crash, pregnant women are extremely at risk for experiencing the following severe complications:

  • Premature labor
  • Miscarriage
  • Internal bleeding
  • Hemorrhaging
  • Birth defects
  • Brain damage
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Pain in the stomach area or pelvis
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Fluid leaking from your vagina, or the umbilical cord is bulging into your vagina

It is important to note that these complications can affect both the mother and her unborn child. Other complications may include psychological and emotional stress.

Keep in mind that symptoms and common injuries caused by car accidents will not always be apparent following your accident. It’s possible that your unborn fetus can suffer severe injury in an instance where no physical contact was made. Much like whiplash can occur due to a sudden jolt to the neck and back, a baby in the womb is also vulnerable to the effects of gravity. The aftereffects of a car accident may place you and your unborn baby at higher risk for problems.

There are even times when the body is still in shock and high adrenaline covers up painful symptoms. It can take several days, weeks, or even months to appear. If you have been in a car accident, it is best to seek immediate treatment, even if you believe the discomfort you are feeling can be ignored. Further complications will be avoided if treated early.

It is important for all drivers to know that if you happen to be an expectant mother, immediate action following a car accident is critical to ensuring the best possible treatment, follow-up care, and overall outcome for you and your unborn child. Therefore, visit your doctor immediately following a car accident for examination and treatment. It can save you and your baby’s life.

It’s the safest bet to get checked out right away after a car accident, pregnant or not. Even with no internal distress, being a pregnant woman with neck or back pain from a car accident is not an enjoyable experience. To learn more about how car accidents can affect you and your baby, call The Brooks Clinic at (405) 400-0877 to request an appointment, or request one online.

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