No one sets out on their morning routine hoping to be in a car accident. And no matter how good of a driver you are, potholes, deer, bad drivers, and black ice are out there seemingly laying prey to their next victims. It’s easy to get caught up in the surprise of the accident and forget to do some practical things following your accident. Here are four practical ways to handle a car accident.

Stay Calm

The popular British poster from World War II called for Brits to “stay calm and carry on.” The same is true should you find yourself in a car accident. Stay calm and collected. Be sure that everyone around you is safe and try to keep them calm too. Call 911 if necessary and gather as much data as possible to tell the dispatcher so the help they send is adequate.

Stay out of Harm’s Way

Ensure your passengers are out of harm’s way and well off the road if possible. If you have flares, use them.  There is nothing more important than your safety and that of your passengers, as well as anyone else involved in the accident. Stay by the scene until help arrives and be sure to call your insurance company as soon as everyone is safe and accounted for. While on the scene, take pictures and try to capture the area on film – street and traffic signs, skid marks, lane divides, the license plate of any other vehicle involved – images of these can help your case with the insurance company or in court. Be sure to document any injuries as well.

Go to Urgent Care or see your doctor as soon as possible

If you or a passenger hit your head or were jerked around during the accident, it’s vital that you visit urgent care or the emergency room. Although hitting a window or your seat may not seem like a big deal, but some conditions are notorious for developing silently over the course of hours or days. Treating these conditions immediately can significantly reduce the severity of pain and symptoms you may feel later on.

Processing the Event

Car accidents can be terrifying experiences. If you need to talk with someone about the experience, ask your doctor for a referral to a therapist. Many companies offer employees Employee Assistance Programs which offer trauma services. Talk it through and encourage your passengers to do the same.

Being in a car accident can be scary, devastating, and traumatic. The board-certified physicians at the Brooks Clinic specialize in treating all kinds of injuries, with car accidents in particular, and offer compassion and caring to everyone. If you were injured in a car accident or in another way, call 405-400-0877 to make an appointment today.

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