You were in a car accident recently and thought you were fine. But the pain and stiffness are starting to creep up on you. Your neck’s range of motion is becoming more and more limited.

Keep in mind that this may or may not indicate a serious problem. Did you know that whiplash can occur in even the most minor of accidents? It’s true. A car going as slow as 10 mph at impact could still cause a driver to suffer whiplash.

Here’s a checklist of what you should do when dealing with potential neck problems after a car accident:


This means skipping the gym for a few days or weeks and making sure you are resting when you are home. When you are sleeping, make sure your pillows are not flat and straining your neck when it should be relaxing. Take it easy for a few days and if you have a job that requires a lot of movement, probably taking a few days off of work is a good idea.


Icing the affected area can help reduce swelling in your neck. Try placing an ice pack on your neck for no more than 15 minutes every few hours. Keeping a consistent routine can help you pay attention to your stiff neck and ensure the inflammation goes down.

Visit a Chiropractor

After the trauma to your neck and shoulder areas, you may need to get a spinal realignment courtesy of a qualified chiropractor. Your chiropractor can also help reduce the swelling in you neck with ultrasound treatment or guide you through gentle stretching techniques. Speak to your primary care doctor about a reference if you haven’t seen a chiropractor before.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy, often abbreviated as PT, will help strengthen the muscles around the damaged parts of your neck. After your initial recovery from your car accident, a doctor might recommend rehabilitation exercises or refer you to a physical therapist who can help you strengthen your neck muscles. It’s important to continue to refrain from working out until you get the go-ahead from your doctor.

Visit an Orthopedic Doctor

If the stiffness or pain in your neck isn’t going away – or if you suspect whiplash – seek out an orthopedic doctor for a second opinion. A herniated disc or another ailment could be the cause of your pain.

Call the healthcare providers at The Brooks Clinic at (405) 400-0877 to schedule an appointment in Oklahoma City. Because they specialize in helping people recover from car accidents and work injuries, it’s the best place to start.

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