Plan Ahead For A Safe New Year’s Eve

2020 is rolling in and people all over the Oklahoma City metro are getting ready! Flash the holiday parties, downtown trips and rounds at the bars. It’s one last chance to say goodbye to 2019 and head out for a fresh start to the year ahead. Whatever your plans are to ring in 2020, the most important thing on New Year’s Eve is to have fun and get home safely at the end of the night. That’s why your New Years Eve Safety Prep is so important.

So, how can you plan ahead for a safe New Year’s Eve that doesn’t end with injury or worse? Here are a few of our favorite safety tips for any reveler on the last night of 2019.

Plan Ahead for a Safe Ride Home BEFORE You Start Your Evening

DUI convictions in Oklahoma have decreased significantly over the past decade. Even with decreasing DUI rates, though, New Year’s Eve is still a major night for impaired driving throughout the U.S. Even the best laid plans can come unglued when you are under the influence of too much alcohol.

Make absolutely certain that you and your friends and family have a sober driver to get you home. Whether it’s a designated driver, an UBER, or a commercial driver, know what your plan is before you need a driver. The last thing you want, at the end of the night, is to find out that there was a misunderstanding about the group’s designated driver.

Whether you are planning on getting a taxi, an Uber or Lyft ride, or someone in your group will be the designated driver — make sure that you have a clear plan before the revelry begins. Having a clear plan can make your New Years Eve safety prep much easier.

And your responsibility doesn’t end if you are hosting the party. Keep others safe by asking guests who their designated driver is as they arrive. Some party hosts now keep a chalkboard posted of how each guest plans to get home. That way everyone is on the same page. You can also be the greatest host by making sure there is a great selection of non-alcoholic beverages for designated drivers, or those who have had too much alcohol.

Alternate Between Non-Alcoholic and Alcoholic Beverages

Even if you have a plan to get home safely, that doesn’t eliminate all the dangers of alcohol. Party goers often drink more booze because everyone is walking with a glass in their hard. When everyone is sharing drinks and laughing, it’s easy to have more alcohol that you are normally comfortable with drinking. Alcohol poising poses a significant risk on NYE.

You can probably reduce your risk quite a bit just by alternating alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Between glasses of champagne, drink a glass of water or a soda. This will keep you hydrated, and it will help you avoid drinking too quickly. Many people who experience alcohol poisoning lose track of how many drinks they’ve had and become impaired faster than they thought possible. This trick is an old one, but a good one, to slow down and avoid potential injury.

Know Your Surroundings

Unfortunately in the world we live in, being comfortable in your surroundings may be an invitation for danger. If you see something suspicious, don’t hesitate to tell someone. And, if at any point in the night someone is making you uncomfortable, you should immediately move away from them. If you are going out, use the buddy system to keep tabs on one another, and don’t let anyone wander off alone.

No matter where you end up going, to a private home or a large venue, keep an eye on your belongings. Don’t leave purses or wallets out in the open, where they could be taken or where you could accidentally leave them behind. Losing your ID, wallet, or something valuable could put a significant damper on your – so plan ahead in your plans New Years Eve safety prep.

Group It Up

There is safety in numbers – no matter what your age.  Include a group of friends and family in your plans, and make an agreement to stick together all evening. This way, you can watch out for each other, and you’re all more likely to make it to midnight (and back home) without any unfortunate experiences.

Watch The BOOM – Don’t Be The BOOM!

With so many great fireworks shows to choose from around Oklahoma, we highly recommend leaving the explosions to the experts. Setting off fireworks is risky, and explosives and alcohol never mix. The last thing you want is a midnight trip to the emergency room.

If you plan on putting on your own fireworks display, don’t drink and work!  Take extra precautions to let your neighbors know what you have planned so that they can make plans accordingly for their pets who may be sensitive to loud noises.

Find Yourself In A New Year’s Wreck?  Contact The Brooks Clinic.

New Year’s Eve is always one of the most fun and exciting nights of the year, but it can be a dangerous one. No matter how careful you are, there are always dangerous drivers that create havoc on the road.  If you have an accident, the first 24 hours are the most critical timeframe to get started on therapy to reduce the chance of increasing the injury. Call us or reach out to us on our website.

Reader Interactions: You need a doctor who knows the ins and outs of accident care. If you need more information, please give us a call at (405) 943-0303,  or reach out to us via our contact form.

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